Henry’s Parts and Equipment

As part of AriensCo alongside Gravely and Ariens, Henry’s specializes in producing replacement parts for a variety of outdoor power equipment.

Image showing a responsive website design across three devices: a laptop, tablet, and smartphone. The website homepage features a central banner with the text 'Get the Parts You Need,' a search bar, and icons representing product categories like belts, hoses, and fittings. The interface is consistent across devices, with navigation options and a product-focused layout.
Azure, Azure Cognitive Search, Custom Xperience Page Builder Widgets, Kentico Xperience, Xperience MVC
Content Management System, Design, Development, Integration
Live Site

Project Goals

BizStream assisted in the Henry’s project with AriensCo, which aimed to introduce an entirely new brand. The goal was to launch a user-friendly interface enabling customers to easily search for Henry’s parts while empowering dealers to place orders seamlessly.

Image of a desktop screen displaying a product detail page for a tire. The page includes a large product image on the right and detailed specifications on the left, such as size, material, and fitment information. The design is clean, with a blue-themed header and navigation options at the top.
Screenshot of a website homepage for a transportation or logistics company, featuring a search bar with a central banner that says 'Get the Parts You Need.' Below are icons representing various product categories like belts, hoses, and fittings. The background image shows industrial shelving with products.

BizStream was a great teammate who invested in working side by side with our team to achieve its goals. Each time we have needed to shift focus or adjust requirements, BizStream has been flexible and valuable in helping us make the right decisions.

Ty Behnke
IT Development Manager


Image of a smartphone displaying a product listing page on a mobile-friendly website. The screen shows filtered search results for products, each with an image, name, and key specifications. A filter and sort option is available at the top, with a compact, easy-to-navigate layout suited for mobile use.


Image showing a responsive design on two devices: a smartphone and a tablet. The smartphone displays a product detail page for a tire, with an image, product name, price, and specifications. The tablet shows a filter and search options on the product listing page, allowing users to refine their search by various attributes. The design is clean and user-friendly across both devices.


Screenshot of a website homepage for a transportation or logistics company, featuring a search bar with a central banner that says 'Get the Parts You Need.' Below are icons representing various product categories like belts, hoses, and fittings. The background image shows industrial shelving with products.

Other Projects

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CSU College of Business

Supporting Effective Website Storytelling
Kentico // Web Content Strategy

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