BizStream Team Dashboard

The BizStream Team Dashboards was created to keep the company on track, providing real-time visualization of project health and team productivity. Reflecting BizStream’s core values of transparency and efficiency, the dashboard minimizes the need for micromanagement by offering open access to crucial company data. With features like scorecards, TAP (Team Appreciation Program) charts, and projections, the dashboard allows the leadership team to predict project outcomes and balance team member workloads. It also highlights the balance between internal and client hours, helping the team meet utilization goals while maintaining efficiency.

BizStream Dashboard screencapture
.NET Core / MVC, SQL, Vue
Web Application

List, List

Live Site

Project Goals

The primary goals of the BizStream Team Dashboards were:

The dashboard’s metrics are not only reviewed weekly by the team and project managers but are also displayed on large scoreboards in the development area, ensuring visibility and alignment company-wide.

BizStream Dashboard
BizStream Dashboard screencapture

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Source Name


BizStream Dashboard screencapture


BizStream Dashboard screencapture


The BizStream Team Dashboards has become an integral part of BizStream’s internal operations, driving transparency, improving project and team management, and ensuring the company remains focused on its business goals. Through its real-time insights, easy-to-understand visualizations, and continuous iterations, the dashboard has transformed how the team manages time, resources, and projects.

More than just a tool, the dashboard embodies BizStream’s commitment to innovation and efficiency, reflecting the company’s dedication to creating impactful, data-driven solutions not only for itself but also as a potential model for other companies.

BizStream Dashboard screencapture

Technology Name

Technology Name

Other Projects

Big I Illinois

Design // Development // Discovery and Roadmap // Integration // Storyblok // Web Content Strategy


Branding // Design // Development

Rio Tinto START

Design // Development // Storyblok // Web Content Strategy

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